Tag Archives: Dave Roche

Dave Roche at Black Rose Tonight

Dave Roche will be doing another zine reading tonight at the Black Rose on Enmore rd tonight at 7pm before he flies off to Brisbane tomorrow. If you’re in Brisbane than you are in for a treat because Dave will be doing a reading at TurnStyle Community Centre.

I’ve listed a whole bunch of Dave’s zines that I picked up while in Adelaide and also last night at his reading in Lewisham.

Me Want Banana is zine made about the comic strip Ziggy which Dave believes (which you can’t dispute) is the most unfunny comic strip ever made. Here Dave tried to make a comic even less funny than Ziggy. Well I’m happy he failed, it’s truly hilarious!

Also pictured is a stack of every fortune cookie Dave collected for a year and on the back of the fortune is the fortune Dave wished he had.


It’s Fuchi, no? is a calendar littered with hilarious drawings by Dave’s little brother who has the unique talent of drawing animals with human arses. It may not be 2008 anymore, but the human arsed animal drawings will have your sides splitting with laughter.

About My Disappearance #1 & #2 are about Dave’s experiences and life after being diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease. Its a good read about a subject that is otherwise not really talked about.

On Subbing is about the first four years of working as a substitute in Special Education services. Dave shares the highs and lows of his experiences.

The best thing about zine readings with Dave is that you get even more hilarious back stories which weren’t mentioned in the zine. So rock up tonight at 22 Enmore Rd at 7pm, its just down from Newtown Train station.

See you there!


Filed under D.I.Y., Stuff to do, Zines

Dave Roche zine talk Tonight

Salutations Earthlings!
While in Adelaide at the wonderful Format Festival (we’ll update on this later) we were lucky enough to meet the amazing, talented and all round nice guy Dave Roche, who has been doing a zine trek around Australia with his zines and book ‘On Subbing.’ Tonight Dave is coming to Sydney to give a talk on his zines. We’ve already got ‘On Subbing’ and a whole bunch of other zines by Dave in our hot little hands and they are a must have. Dave is really into trading (good man!) so bring your zines along to trade!
This event is all thanks to Susy Pow who organised it!

Thus, the details follow:
When: 6PM Monday 16 March 2009 (That’s tonight! And I know you have nothing to do on a Monday so you HAVE to be there!)
Where: 54 Old Canterbury Road, Lewisham 2049 (Very close to Lewisham train station, so no excuses for it being too far away)
Bring: Your zines for trading, your voice for doing your own reading (if you want), some snacks (if you can!), your friends.

If you miss out today, you can catch Dave tomorrow night at 7pm Black Rose books in Enmore.

El Feto

P.s. I’m being pretty Fan-girl about this, but Dave is really amazingly awesome and if you miss out on this you will really kick yourself.


Filed under D.I.Y., Events, Stuff to do